8.592J | Spring 2011 | Graduate

Statistical Physics in Biology

Lecture Notes

Elements of Population Genetics

Foundations of Molecular Evolution and Population Genetics

  1. Review of the central dogma
    1. Replication
    2. Coding sequence
      1. Gene
      2. Protein
      3. Genome
    3. Genetic code
  2. Mutations, DNA variation
    1. Synonymous
    2. Non-synonymous
  3. Foundations of genetics
    1. One locus
      1. Genotype
      2. Haploids vs diploids
      3. Homo/heterozygosis, allele frequency
      4. Dominant vs recessive (PDF): blood types
    2. Random mating: Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
  4. Genetic Drift
    1. Dynamics in population of constants size
    2. N=1
    3. Reduction of heterozygosity
    4. N»1, Binomial sampling
    5. Probability of fixation: simulation 1, simulation 2
    6. Time to fixation
  5. Selection
    1. Absolute and relative fitness
    2. Writes equations: increase of fitness
  6. Selection and Drift
    1. Probability of fixation: (diploids, s, N, h=1/2)
    2. Time to fixation
  7. Summary

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2011
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets
Lecture Notes
Instructor Insights