5.07SC | Fall 2013 | Undergraduate

Biological Chemistry I

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Lecture Topics

  • Fatty Acid (FA) and Lipid Biosynthesis
  • Stages of Fatty Acid Biosynthesis
  • Fatty Acid Synthase (FAS) Reactions
  • Introducing NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate)
  • Converting FA to Phospholipid and TAG (triacylgycerol)


  • Chapter 20: Lipid Metabolism
    • Lipid Digestion, Absorption, and Transport
    • Fatty Acid Oxidation
    • Ketone Bodies
    • Fatty Acid Biosynthesis
    • Regulation of Fatty Acid Metabolism

Lecture Video: Fatty Acid and Lipid Biosynthesis

This video introduces anabolism, the phase of metabolism in which complex molecules are formed from simpler ones. Professor Essigmann describes in detail stages of fatty acid biosynthesis and lipid biosynthesis.

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Lecture Topics

  • Glycogen Structure
  • Glycogen Synthesis


  • Chapter 16: Glycogen Metabolism and Gluconeogenesis
    • Glycogen Synthesis
    • Control of Glycogen Metabolism
    • Gluconeogenesis

Lecture Video: Carbohydrate Biosynthesis I: Glycogen Synthesis

This first of two videos on carbohydrate biosynthesis focuses on glycogen synthesis, also called glycogenesis. Professor Essigmann describes the pathway by which we form glycogen – the form of glucose that is readily available for energy production.

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Lecture Topics

  • Gluconeogenic (GNG) Precursors
  • GNG Pathway Overview
  • Mechanisms of GNG Enzymes
  • GNG Pathway Details


  • Chapter 16: Glycogen Metabolism and Gluconeogenesis
    • Gluconeogenesis

Lecture Video: Carbohydrate Biosynthesis II: Gluconeogenesis

This video focuses on gluconeogenesis (GNG) – the synthesis of glucose from noncarbohydrate precursors. Professor Essigmann explains why this process is particularly important to organs of the body that require glucose as their primary metabolic fuel.

Problem Set & Solutions

Problem Solving Video: Problem Set 10, Problem 3: Gluconeogenesis

Gluconeogenesis is a spontaneous process that involves the synthesis of glucose from non-sugar precursors. In this problem, Dr. Fedeles examines the mechanisms of gluconeogenesis, which require several steps of glycolysis to run in the reverse direction.

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Lecture Topics

  • Pentose Phosphate Pathway (PPP)
  • PPP Modes: Oxidative and Non-oxidative
  • PPP Details


  • Chapter 15: Glucose Catabolism
    • The Pentose Phosphate Pathway

Lecture Video: Pentose Phosphate Pathway

In this video, Professor Essigmann reviews the Pentose Phosphate Pathway (PPP). He describes in detail the two distinct modes in the pathway: the oxidative mode and the non-oxidative mode.

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Lecture Topics

  • Pathways and Sites of Regulation
  • Key Organ Systems and Hormones
  • General Paradigms of Pathway Control: Covalent, Allosteric, and Acceptor Control


  • Chapter 22: Mammalian Fuel Metabolism: Integration and Regulation
    • Organ Specialization
    • Hormonal Control of Fuel Metabolism
    • Disturbances in Fuel Metabolism

Lecture Video: Regulation of Metabolism

In this final video, Professor Essigmann considers cell to organ and organ to organism metabolism. He reviews the key organ systems and hormones, and describes the general paradigms of pathway control: Covalent, Allosteric, and Acceptor Control.

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Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2013
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Other Video
Problem Sets with Solutions
Lecture Notes
Instructor Insights