18.S997 | Fall 2011 | Undergraduate

Introduction To MATLAB Programming


This library is a collection of additional project ideas and video lectures included in the course. The project ideas are intended as flexible guidelines to promote independent exploration and direction of each project. The video lectures are intended as supplementary resources for topics that ask for demonstration beyond the written text of the lectures.

From the lecture material, you have already completed three coding projects that have asked you to plot the basins of attraction, optimize the basins of attraction code to run faster, and fully implement the Conway Game of Life. Now, each of the following is an idea for a project. The projects are left relatively vague and open-ended on purpose. It is your job to find projects you like and “run” with them. Some of the projects consist of a well-defined part and a lesser-defined part. The defined part should be thought of as the introduction to the topic, not the project itself. The project inherently includes a vague part that the student will need to define on his or her own.

Queens on a Chessboard (PDF)

Cursive Spline (PDF)

Autostereograms (PDF)

Brownian Motion (PDF)

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2011
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets
Lecture Videos
Online Textbook
Programming Assignments with Examples