5.111SC | Fall 2014 | Undergraduate

Principles of Chemical Science

Unit IV: Transition Metals & Oxidation-Reduction Reactions

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In Unit IV, we continue to consider chemical reactions but now focus on reactions that involve the loss (oxidation) and gain (reduction) of electrons. Whereas metals in group I and II of the periodic table are only oxidized by one and two electrons, respectively, transition (d-block) metals are capable of achieving multiple oxidation states. Revisiting the concept of atomic orbitals, we discuss how the occupation of electrons in d-orbitals gives rise to the special properties of d-block metal-containing complexes. Viewers can observe some of these special properties for themselves as spectacular color changes afforded by solutions of nickel and cobalt salts are demonstrated. By the end of the unit, viewers should be able to calculate electrochemical cell potentials, identity which compound is the better oxidizing agent, draw energy diagrams that explain why one cobalt compound is blue and another red, and explain how a chelator works to treat acute lead poisoning.

Image excerpted from Lecture 25 Notes Lecture 25: Oxidation-Reduction and Electrochemical Cells

Image excerpted from Lecture 26 Notes Lecture 26: Chemical and Biological Oxidations

Image excerpted from Lecture 27 Notes Lecture 27: Introduction to Transition Metals

Image excerpted from Lecture 28 Notes Lecture 28: Transition Metals: Crystal Field Theory Part I

Image excerpted from Lecture 29 Notes Lecture 29: Transition Metals: Crystal Field Theory Part II

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Image excerpted from Lecture 25 Notes 

  1. Introduction to Oxidation-Reduction (Redox) Reactions
  2. Balancing Redox Reactions
  3. Electrochemical Cells

Lecture Video

Redox reactions are a major class of chemical reactions in which there is an exchange of electrons from one species to another. In this lecture, the basic principles of redox reactions are introduced. If you want to design the next greatest battery to power your favorite electronic device, you won’t want to miss this lecture.

Lecture Notes

Notes for Lecture 25 (PDF)

Clicker Questions

Lecture 25 Clicker Questions (PDF)

Textbook Reading

Galvanic and Electrolytic Cells Sections 13.3–13.12 Sections 12.3–12.12

Problems and Solutions

Problems for Lecture 25 (PDF)

Solutions for Lecture 25 (PDF)

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Image excerpted from Lecture 26 Notes 

  1. Relationship between Cell Potential and Gibbs Free Energy
  2. Meaning of Standard Reduction Potentials
  3. Nernst Equation

Lecture Video

Viewers are introduced to agents of oxidation and agents of reduction. Are oxidizing agents really that bad for you? Hear from Professor John Essigmann about the double-edged sword that is oxidation-reduction. Oxidizing agents can protect us from disease but can also damage our genetic material. Friend or foe, you decide.

Lecture Notes

Notes for Lecture 26 (PDF)

Clicker Questions

Lecture 26 Clicker Questions (PDF)

Textbook Reading

Galvanic and Electrolytic Cells Sections 13.6–13.12 Sections 12.6–12.12

Linking Oxidation To DNA Damage

John Essigmann describes how oxidation reactions in our bodies are both essential for life and responsible for cell damage that can potentially lead to cancer. John’s research focuses on studying how cells respond to toxins that cause oxidative damage to DNA.

John Essigmann’s Personal Story

John Essigmann describes how an early industry experience doing real science pushed him to pursue a career as a professor and professional scientist. He also realizes that the Scientific Method is a framework that can be applied to better understanding questions in the real world.

Problems and Solutions

Problems for Lecture 26 (PDF)

Solutions for Lecture 26 (PDF)

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Image excerpted from Lecture 27 Notes 

  1. d-Block Metals or Transition Metals
  2. Coordination Complexes (Chelate Effect, Shapes, Isomers)
  3. d-Orbital Counting and d-Orbitals

Lecture Video

A fundamental property of d-block metals (aka transition metals) is that they are predisposed to form coordination complexes, which have a metal in the middle that is surrounded by ions or atoms (aka ligands). These coordination complexes have special properties, which are described in detail in lectures 28 and 29. We also hear from Chemist Sarah Bowman about the importance of the d-block metal nickel.

Lecture Notes

Notes for Lecture 27 (PDF)

Clicker Questions

Lecture 27 Clicker Questions (PDF)

Textbook Reading

Coordinating Compounds Sections 16.5–16.7 Sections 16.5–16.7

Targeting Ulcer Causing H. pylori Bacteria

Sarah Bowman studies a protein from a pathogenic bacterium that is found in the stomach and is known to cause ulcers. She explains how the bacterium survives in the low pH environment of the stomach by using a nickel-dependent protein to buffer the acidity of its environment. Sarah envisions that taking advantage of this nickel requirement could lead to a new treatment for ulcers.

Sarah Bowman’s Personal Story

Sarah Bowman shares how she “changed her mind” about careers after completing her first bachelors degree in the humanities and taking a chemistry class that opened her eyes to the wonders of atoms and molecules. She urges people to pursue what they want to do, regardless of age.

Problems and Solutions

Problems for Lecture 27 (PDF)

Solutions for Lecture 27 (PDF)

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Image excerpted from Lecture 28 Notes 

  1. Introduction to Crystal Field Theory
  2. Crystal Field Theory: Octahedral Case
  3. Spectrochemical Series: the Ligand to the Metal Matters

Lecture Video

Crystal field theory was developed to explain the special features of transition metal complexes, including their beautiful colors and their magnetic properties. In part I of this topic, we consider d-block coordination complexes that have octahedral geometry, and see whether we can change the color of a paper flower dipped in an octahedral cobalt chloride complex just by adding water.

Lecture Notes

Notes for Lecture 28 (PDF)

Clicker Questions

Lecture 28 Clicker Questions (PDF)

Textbook Reading

The Electronic Structures of Complexes Sections 16.8–16.11 Sections 16.8–16.11

Problems and Solutions

Problems for Lecture 28 (PDF)

Solutions for Lecture 28 (PDF)

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Image excerpted from Lecture 29 Notes 

  1. Spectrochemical Series: Geometry Makes a Difference
  2. Crystal Field Theory: Tetrahedral Case
  3. Crystal Field Theory: Square Planar Case
  4. Other Geometries and Applications

Lecture Video

This lecture starts with a challenge: can you correctly predict the color of a transition metal complex based on its ligands and its geometry? The theory is put to the test with a demo using nickel compounds. We also try to predict the geometry of an unknown nickel site on an enzyme based on its magnetic properties. See if you are up to the challenge.

Lecture Notes

Notes for Lecture 29 (PDF)

Clicker Questions

Lecture 29 Clicker Questions (PDF)

Textbook Reading

The Electronic Structures of Complexes Sections 16.8–16.11 Sections 16.8–16.11

Problems and Solutions

Problems for Lecture 29 (PDF)

Solutions for Lecture 29 (PDF)

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Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2014
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Lecture Notes
Problem Sets with Solutions
Exams with Solutions
Other Video
Instructor Insights